Preschool education 3-6 years

Private lessons or small classes (online and in person)

These lessons are exceptional! We deliver experiential Greek lessons, specially designed for pre-school children. Our creative and experienced teachers use educational material based on the goals and learning level of each student. They suggest books and personalised material based on the level, goals and capabilities of each student.

But why as a parent should you “invest” in learning Greek at this age?

Preschool education plays a crucial role in shaping children’s character. The experiences it offers lay the foundations on which the child’s personality is built; children’s develop their learning skills, while they also acquire the necessary self-confidence in their ability retain knowledge.
Learning Greek at a preschool age is enhanced by recreational activities as the core medium of our teaching method. Our students are introduced to Greek language basics as the foundation for future learning.

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According to research, children who learn a second language at an early age are more creative than their counterparts who only communicate in their native language. It has also been found that the cognitive skills they learn can lead to better academic outcomes.

In addition, the interaction primarily within our group sessions, supports the linguistic, social and mental development of children, but also enables  them  to develop social relationships and team-working skills.

Usually children become more cooperative and less competitive, while gaining more confidence and motivation to learn. According to modern psycho-pedagogical research, the socialization and more specifically the secondary socialization of the child begins at this age.

Book now the free 30 minute trial with us to see our work.